#394 Elegance is in the attitude

by - 7:32 p.m.


Head: LeLUTKA Skyler Head  MAINSTORE

Hat: BONDI . The Heisenberg Hat  MAN CAVE  MAINSTORE

Glasses: BONDI . The Sicario Glasses  MOM  MAINSTORE

Septum&Earrings: BONDI . The Sicario Earrings and Septum  MAINSTORE

Beard: Volkstone Dimitry Facial Hair for LELUTKA / Pack 02  MAN CAVE  MAINSTORE

Suit: [ hoorenbeek ] NG Outfit - Owen  MAINSTORE

Pose: [ west end ] Bento Poses - Time - Male Collection w/Prop  MAINSTORE

Decor: KAZZA - Welcome!toParis  ACCESS  MAINSTORE

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