#471 The Boys of Summer

by - 7:00 p.m.


On Left:

Head: LeLUTKA Paxton Head 2.5  MAINSTORE

Hair: Modulus - Cavill Hair  MAINSTORE

Jacket: Sir.Co Z'L Soft Jacket  MAN CAVE  MAINSTORE

Pose: [InDiGo] Florida Static & Breathing Stands  POSEVENT  MAINSTORE

On Middle:

Head: LeLUTKA Luka Head 2.5  MAINSTORE

Hair: Modulus - Tristan Hair  MAINSTORE

Sleeve: Sir.Co Half Sleeve Puffer  MOM  MAINSTORE

Pose: [InDiGo] Easton Static & Breathing Stands  Pose Stand  MAINSTORE

On Right:

Head: LeLUTKA Skyler Head 2.5  MAINSTORE

Hair: Modulus - Michael Hair  MAINSTORE

Shirt: [ ERAUQS ] - Travis Shirt  MOM  MAINSTORE

Pose: [InDiGo] Florida Static & Breathing Stands  POSEVENT  MAINSTORE

Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:. Street basketball  MAN CAVE  MAINSTORE

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